Export the BallotTrax Master Voter File

To run: ELECTIONS > Election Utilities > BallotTrax > Master Voter File

The BallotTrax Master Voter file is the master voter list that provides BallotTrax with a list of all registered voters in your county.

Note: The following procedure explains how to export this data manually. The same data can be exported and uploaded automatically to BallotTrax. See Set Up the BallotTrax FTP Connection for more information.

To export the Master Voter file:

  1. If needed, change the election focus to the applicable Active election.
  2. Go to ELECTIONS > Election Utilities > BallotTrax > Master Voter File.
  3. Master Voter File is selected by default. Simply click Export to initiate the query.
  4. Leave the default file location (either C:\Documents or your last selected location) and/or default file name (BTVoterYYYY-MM-DD{time}) or select a different location and/or name, and then save the file in CSV format.